Friday, May 2, 2008

Record the Ribbit this Sat, May 3

FrogWatch 2008: Record the Ribbit this Saturday, May 3rd

Leap into spring with your family and friends to celebrate FrogWatch 2008: Record the Ribbit. Participate in this one-day event to raise awareness about frogs and toads. Record the Ribbit is easy, free, and perfect for people of all ages.

Prepare by listening to calls and viewing photos of local species in your area, head outside on a nature walk, and then come back to share your findings online. Make sure to take a notepad with you to jot down your observations.

Record the Ribbit is a special event of Nature QuestSM FrogWatch USA™, National Wildlife Federation’s popular citizen-science amphibian monitoring program.

Watch Georgia Outdoors: Reptiles and Amphibians to learn more about frogs.

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